Friday, October 29, 2010

For Time and All Eternity

We were blessed to be sealed in the Bountiful Temple September 25th. After Aaron's mom and step day took us out for dinner which was delicious. After dinner we were so ready to go home and relax because we were running around since 6 in the morning. The night ended with the movies with my sisters and Arron's sisters. What an amazing day! I love my sweetheart with all my heart. He is my everything and my best friend.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Different Facess of Miya!

Time to up date.....

I didn't think I was this far behind but thank goodness I have my sister to keep me in line. :) Since my last post a lot has happened it's like if life were stuck in fast forward. To make things short and simple Aaron Miya and I took a mini vacation horay! We decided that it was now or never since he was going to start school soon and with working full time we wouldn't have much time for anything. We ended up going to Chicago which was much fun, we got to stay with Grandma Helga, Uncle Dave and his wife Fabie. Needles to say we had fun but at the same time we were both happy to be back. We ended up celebrating our one year anniversity there which brings me to the next order of business......We are going to be sealed as a family for time and all eternity September 25th! For some reason it's starting to feel pretty similar to when we first got married.....except for we have our little girl that may I say is growing so fast! We love our little bean she is our everything.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Our little baby girl

I ended up going into labor one week early and on March 27th our beautiful little Miya Jordyn was born at 9:41 pm weighing 7lbs and 19inc..... I never thought that day would ever come since the days kept draging on and on I was very surpriced. I remember that morning as Aaron was getting ready for work at 4:30 in the morning I told him, " babe, I think Im going into labor today." His responce,"oh it's probably just contractions like always don't worry about it go back to bed." Talk about being calm about things. Well as I tried to go back to bed I thought it was very weird that the contractions were 6 to 4 to 8 minutes apart. After keeping track of my contractions for about two hours I decided to call my sister Elena that answeres all my stating the obvious she told me i was in labor. It seemed unreal, but I called Aaron to let him know and he hurried home. We both thought we were going to be sent home thinking they were just going to tell us it was a false labor, we thought wrong. Once we got there the nurse decided to call our doctor after we got settled in and she monitered my contractions for about thirty minutes. Once the doctor got there he told us," Well it looks like we are having a baby today." I was shocked!.... Everything happened so fast now that I think back on it, but very happy it's over.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Simply Blessed!

We have been blessed time and time again. Aaron has been given the opportunity to work at a hospital which would help pay for his schooling amazing! I love being home and not having to worry about work. I can't say I miss it at all. I love being home and taking care of the love nest lol. Now that Miya is almost here ( less than two weeks) I can't wait to see her she's going to be very loved by Aaron and I.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

In the begining........

there we were not knowing what was going to happen.... we said our goodbyes and he went his way and went mine...time flew by and before i knew it he was coming home. I really wanted to date him but he was trying to play hard to get good thing he came to his senses before I gave up. We ended up getting married August 15Th, 2009 and have been so very happy ever since. We are now expecting our first little baby Mia. She will be here by April and we cannot wait I think we both have diff rent reasons to can say we have been so blessed....i love married life and wouldn't change it for anything.