Sunday, April 18, 2010

Our little baby girl

I ended up going into labor one week early and on March 27th our beautiful little Miya Jordyn was born at 9:41 pm weighing 7lbs and 19inc..... I never thought that day would ever come since the days kept draging on and on I was very surpriced. I remember that morning as Aaron was getting ready for work at 4:30 in the morning I told him, " babe, I think Im going into labor today." His responce,"oh it's probably just contractions like always don't worry about it go back to bed." Talk about being calm about things. Well as I tried to go back to bed I thought it was very weird that the contractions were 6 to 4 to 8 minutes apart. After keeping track of my contractions for about two hours I decided to call my sister Elena that answeres all my stating the obvious she told me i was in labor. It seemed unreal, but I called Aaron to let him know and he hurried home. We both thought we were going to be sent home thinking they were just going to tell us it was a false labor, we thought wrong. Once we got there the nurse decided to call our doctor after we got settled in and she monitered my contractions for about thirty minutes. Once the doctor got there he told us," Well it looks like we are having a baby today." I was shocked!.... Everything happened so fast now that I think back on it, but very happy it's over.

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