Sunday, September 12, 2010

Time to up date.....

I didn't think I was this far behind but thank goodness I have my sister to keep me in line. :) Since my last post a lot has happened it's like if life were stuck in fast forward. To make things short and simple Aaron Miya and I took a mini vacation horay! We decided that it was now or never since he was going to start school soon and with working full time we wouldn't have much time for anything. We ended up going to Chicago which was much fun, we got to stay with Grandma Helga, Uncle Dave and his wife Fabie. Needles to say we had fun but at the same time we were both happy to be back. We ended up celebrating our one year anniversity there which brings me to the next order of business......We are going to be sealed as a family for time and all eternity September 25th! For some reason it's starting to feel pretty similar to when we first got married.....except for we have our little girl that may I say is growing so fast! We love our little bean she is our everything.

1 comment:

  1. Mono someone has to keep you in check :) and who better than me. I love the blog.
